Sunday, October 19, 2008

My video attempt....

This was fun.  I had half the mind to make a play with my kids but I cannot find the charger for the camera so maybe next time.  Until then, enjoy.

Creating videos is an awesome way to show what a child knows while making it fun and interesting for them.  


Amanda said...

The pictures and music are lovely but I was unable to read the subtitles. Who took this pictures and who wrote the music. Good Job it is very moving!


I took the pictures and Flyleaf is the band that wrote the music.

Thank you...

I want to clarify that my husband did not die. My ex did, but I still appreciate the support. My ex was my oldest daughter's father.

Melissa said...

Jessica what a beautiful video to share with your daughter. I am sure it will be close to her heart. Are you and your family living outside of Alaska permentally or will you be moving back to Alasksa?

Jessica W said...

I was able to read the subtitles, but barely. It'll be really nice when I can see it full size on the DVD that Skip is going to send out! I am sure your daughter will appreciate having this video of her daddy.