Thursday, November 6, 2008

Flickr Slidr Blog post

Here is my slide show.  It was great and easy.  You could use it to have kids know what the correct order of photos should be, they could use it to show a step by step process of something such as cooking top romen.  We cold even use it to take pictures of a play and show the play in a freeze frame picture slide.  There are so many great and wonderful things on the internet that teachers can use in their classroom.  This is one of those things that makes learning interesting and the student would probably put their heart and soul into this project.  

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

1 comment:

JessieD329 said...

I can't remember, are you in Wash state? What a cool slideshow. The kids are adorable and you guys look so young. Great job, Jess!